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Il est possible que le site web est était piraté. Les sites WordPress sont très souvent les cibles d’attaque.

Vérifie que tu as bien installé un plugin de sécurité, comme Wordfence par exemple et essaye de faire une analyse de sécurité.

Si ton site à effectivement été piraté, il faudra alors le nettoyer.

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En effet je viens de fouiller :

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Fishing tackle is the equipment used by fishermen when fishing. Almost any equipment or gear used for fishing can be called fishing tackle. Some examples are hooks, lines, sinkers, floats, rods, reels, baits, lures, spears, nets, gaffs, traps, waders and tackle boxes.
Gear that is attached to the end of a fishing line is called terminal tackle. This includes hooks, leaders, swivels, sinkers, floats, split rings and wire, snaps, beads, spoons, blades, spinners and clevises to attach spinner blades to fishing lures. Sometimes the term fishing rig is used for a completed assembly of tackle ready for fishing.
Fishing tackle can be contrasted with fishing techniques. Fishing tackle refers to the physical equipment that is used when fishing, whereas fishing techniques refers to the manner in which the tackle is used when fishing.
The term tackle, with the meaning "apparatus for fishing", has been in use from 1398 AD.[1] Fishing tackle is also called fishing gear. However the term fishing gear is more usually used in the context of commercial fishing, whereas fishing tackle is more often used in the context of recreational fishing. For this reason, this article covers equipment used by recreational fishermen.
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The first 'Bramley's Seedling' tree grew from pips planted by Mary Ann Brailsford when she was a young girl in her garden in Southwell, Nottinghamshire, UK in 1809.[2] The tree in the garden was later included in the purchase of the cottage by a local butcher, Matthew Bramley in 1846. In 1856, a local nurseryman, Henry Merryweather asked if he could take cuttings from the tree and start to sell the apples. Bramley agreed but insisted that the apples should bear his name.
On 31 October 1862, the first recorded sale of a Bramley was noted in Merryweather's accounts. He sold "three Bramley apples for 2/- to Mr Geo Cooper of Upton Hall". On 6 December 1876, the Bramley was highly commended at the Royal Horticultural Society's Fruit Committee exhibition.
In 1900, the original tree was knocked over during violent storms; it survived, and is still bearing fruit two centuries after it was planted. The variety is now the most important cooking apple in England and Wales, with 21.68 km², 95% of total culinary apple orchards in 2007.[5] The Bramley is almost exclusively a British variety; however it is also grown by a few United States farms,[6] and can be found in Canada and Japan. [7]
The town of Southwell hosts many celebrations of the Bramley Apple including the Bramley Apple Festival in October. The Bramley Apple Inn is located just a few doors away from the original apple tree,[8] which is considered to be a town treasure.
A blue plaque on the house in Southwell now commemorates the apple,[9] and in 2009 a window commemorating the 200th anniversary of the planting of the tree was installed in Southwell Minster.[10]

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Je ne peux que te conseiller de suivre les indications de ce lien (surtout la partie Réinstallation propre de A à Z).

Aussi, après avoir suivi les indications, installe un plugin de sécurité. C’est peut être bête a dire, mais évite l’identifiant "admin" et les mots de passe bidons. Ne met pas "wp_" comme prefix de table.

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Installe des plugins qui sont régulièrement mis a jour, pensé a effectuer les mises a jour de WordPress et des plugins/themes.

Édit : Et ne SURTOUT PAS installer des plugins cracké : ils sont très souvent bourré de code malveillant.

+0 -0

Pour la demande de propriété, j’utilisais leur nouveau système (sans le savoir) alors qu’il faut utiliser l’ancien système pour faire la demande de validation.

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