Snap "pypy3" a été publiée avec un confinement classique

pypy aussi est confiné...

a marqué ce sujet comme résolu.


en tapant ceci: snap install pypy3

j’obtiens cela: *erreur : Cette version du paquet Snap "pypy3" a été publiée avec un confinement classique. Elle pourrait donc apporter des modifications arbitraires au système, au-delà de l’espace mémoire protégé («  sandbox ») dans lequel les paquets Snap sont généralement confinés, ce qui peut créer un risque pour votre système.

      Si vous comprenez ceci et souhaitez néanmoins poursuivre, répétez la
      commande en y ajoutant l'option « --classic ».*

quels sont les risques ? j’aimerai éviter de builder moi même car ça a l’air trop galère pour pypy.

et en essayant : sudo apt install pypy3

j’obtiens: Aucun paquet apt "pypy3", mais il existe un snap éponyme. Essayez « snap install pypy3 »

C’est similaire à un apt install en terme de sécurité.

This is answered well in snapcraft’s official documentation.

In the interest of time, here is the pertinent portion:

Classic confinement is effectively un-confining the applications inside a snap. Applications which use classic confinement have the same full system access as traditionally packaged applications. Classic confinement is intended as a stop-gap measure to enable developers to publish applications which need more access than the current set of interfaces enable. Over time, as more interfaces are developed, snap publishers can migrate away from classic confinement to strict.

Classically confined snaps must be reviewed by the snap store reviewers team before they can be published in the stable channel. Snaps which use classic confinement may be rejected if they don’t meet the requirements.

Users should not attempt to override a strictly confined snap to make it ‘classic’ as this undoes the confinement and interfaces defined by the developer. In addition applications published as strict snaps may misbehave when installed with the ‘–classic’ switch.

As for a recommendation, you’ll need to weigh the risks in your own mind. Consider the publisher of the software, their reputation/recognition and the fact that classic confinement snaps are reviewed before being published. Classic confinement is not all that different than having done a traditional apt install in terms of the access it allows to the program.

Jeff - StackOverflow
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